Acervo Koellreutter

Código de referência BR MGFK AK.DOS.VIN 220
Título Gunter Hampel: Live at the Berlin Jazz Festival 1978
Autoria Gunter Hampel; Jeanne Lee; Perry Robnson
Editora Birth Records
Nível de descrição 5
Gênero Documental Sonoro
Procedência Doação de Margarita Schack, em 2006.
Conteúdo "Gunter Hampel: Live at the Berlin Jazz Festival 1978

That came Down on me

Gunter Hampel & Galaxie Dream Band at the Berlin Jazz Days 1978

Side 1

1) Larry’s Delight
2) That came down on me

Side 2

That came down on me (continuation from Side 1)

3) Your Ballad (no. 116)

Jeanne Lee, voice
Gunter Hampel, composer, arranger, vibrafon, flute, bass clarinet
Mark Whitecage
Perry Robinson, clarinet
Martin Bues"
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